Simple Video Flash Player Module 1.6.5 (new)

This Module is a Simple Video Flash Player for Joomla 1.5.x and is based on the JW player. Is easy to use!


Get the Flash Player to see this player.

time2online Joomla Extensions: Simple Video Flash Player Module



Over 250.000 Downloads!


*Plays a single video file from a URL or unlimited video files from a XML playlist
*Plays youtube videos 
*It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF)

*Change player settings
*Video file properties
*Playlist settings
*Display a preview image
*Insert your own logo on movie load
*Url to an external page
*Autostart, Repeat and Shuffle settings

Update version 1.6
*Player update (Version 4.4)
*Display a fallback image
*Controllbar settings(Over/Bottom)
*Skin settings
*Plugin settings

Bugfix version 1.6
*Fix playlistsize (Thanks to Piet
*IE fix (Thanks to

Tested with rhuk_milkyway-Template (Firefox3, IE6, IE7, IE8).


1. How do I install the Simple Flash Video Player Module?
Install the Simple Flash Video Player Module "" using the module installer in the Joomla! administrative backend.

2. What formats does the Simple Flash Video Player Module support?
Single Video File
The following file formats are supported:
  • FLV7 (video)
  • FLV8 (video)
  • H.264 (video)
  • Youtube (video)
  • MP3 (audio)
  • AAC (audio)
  • JPG (images)
  • GIF (images)
  • PNG (images)
Multi Video Playlist
The following playlist types are supported:
  • ASX
  • ATOM
  • RSS + iTunes
  • RSS + Media
  • SMIL
  • XSPF

3. How can i create a XML playlist?

Have a look to the specification an examples:

Here is an overview of all the tags of each format the player processes, and the flashvars they correspond to:

author creator itunes:author / media:credit author media:credit
date meta rel=’date’ pubDate param name='date' published
description annotation description #.alt abstract summary
duration duration itunes:duration / media:content #.dur duration media:content
file location enclosure / media:content #.src ref media:content
link info link anchor moreinfo link rel='alternate'
image image media:thumbnail img param name=’image’ media:thumbnail
start meta rel=’start’ media:content #.begin starttime media:content
tags meta rel=’tags’ itunes:keywords / media:keywords #.tags param name='tags' media:keywords
title title title #.title title title
type meta rel=’type’ media:meta #.type param name=’type’ media:meta
meta meta rel='xxx' media:meta param name=’xxx’ media:meta

Each format has a meta element, which can be used to load additional data into a playlist. For example, the accessibility plugin can pick up the captions meta elements from playlists, so you can build a playlist of files that contain closed captions.

Example RSS media playlist

4. How can i create a youtube playlist?

Go to the Youtube APIs and Tools page
-click playlist get
-add your youtube playlist id (look at your account)
-click submit

Simple Video Flash Player Youtube Playlist

Example Youtube playlist 

5. How do I set up and configure the Simple Flash Video Player Module?

Embed parameters

-Flash Player ID: the video flash player id. every flash player on a page needs a new id (for example 1 or 2 or 3)

choose jw player, mini player or youtube player. (default value is jw player)
-Video Height: width of the display in pixels. (default value is 200)
-Video Width: height of the display in pixels. (default value is 200)
-Flash Version: the minimum version of flash player. (default value is 6)
-Controlbar: position of the controlbar. can be set to top, over, bottom or none. (default value is bottom)
-Background-Color: the background-color of the flash player (default value is #ffffff)

File properties

-Single Video URL:
location of the video file. (for example
-Multi Playlist URL: url for the rss file to play. (for example
-Preview Image URL: location of a preview image; shown in display and playlist. (for example
-Fallback Image URL: location of a fallback iimage. (for example
-Link URL: url to an external page the display, controlbar and playlist can link to. link to an external site. (for example
-Logo URL: location of an external jpg, png or gif image to show in a corner of the display. With the default skin, this is top-right. (for example
-Playlist Position: position of the playlist. can be set to bottom, over, right or none. (default value is none)
-Playlistsize: height or width of the playlist. when below this refers to the height, when right this refers to the width of the playlist. (default is 180)
-Skin: link to an skin file. (for example

-Autostart: automatically start the player on load. can be set to yes or no. (default value is no)
-Repeat: continously repeat playback. set to list to play the entire playlist once, to always to continously play the song/video/playlist and to single to continue repeating the selected file in a playlist. can be set to no, always or list. (default value is no)
-Shuffle: shuffle playback of playlist items. can be set to yes or no. (default value is no)

External Communication
-Plugins: ids of plugin to load. (for example revolt)

Joomla Backend Modulparameter

6. How do I uninstall the Simple Flash Video Player Module?
To uninstall the Simple Flash Video Player Module from your system, use the module deinstaller in the Joomla! administrative backend.

7. Do I need to buy a license?
The player is open-source and free for noncommercial use. For corporate use or if you're planning to generate revenue from your site (e.g., by running any advertisements on the page, selling anything, etc.), you'll need to buy a license.

For questions and support please using the contact form.

Any feedback is highly welcome too.


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